Corona Virus Special Conditions of Stay

Lets Stay Safe ...

Special Conditions of Stay for Corona Virus

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Lets Stay Safe

We very much welcome you to Troutsdale Farm and our family farm and home

We very much welcome you to Troutsdale Farm and our family farm and home - and  we want you to stay safe and well during your stay - however we do have to acknowledge that Corona Virus has changed many things and so following special training we have set out these special conditions for your stay, 

For your own and the safety of other please read the following guidance 

Special conditions relating to Corona Virus
Following Government special measures relating to regulating the spread of Corona Virus the following conditions of staying with us will apply to all guests, until we deem it appropriate to vary, based on Government guidance.

All guests must confirm to us, immediately prior to arrival that they:
1) Are not exhibiting symptoms of Covid-19 eg (a continuous cough, high temperature, or loss or change in taste and smell or other)
2) Have not been tested positive for Covid-19 within the last 14 days
3) Are not self-isolating for symptomatic reasons
4) Have not been knowingly in contact with a person who has been tested positive for Covid-19 during the previous 14 days
5) Are not part of the ‘Track and Trace’ NHS system
6) Guests must check at time of booking and then also before arrival, that they are complying with any Government law rules and regulations re Covid19.
Any guests that cannot comply with 1 to 6 above must not travel to us.

If you or a member of your party develop symptoms of Covid-19 during your stay
If during your stay you begin to feel unwell with possible covid-19 symptoms (continuous cough, high temperature, change in normal sense of smell or taste) it is important that you let us know straight away - as there is a different set of procedures that applies in the event of suspected actual case of the virus at a site that we would need to 

Contact Barbara Turnock - Home phone number is 01538 300101 OR text or mobile phone 07977 548425 

Government advice if you suspect you have developed the symptoms of Covid-19 is for you and your party to go home and self-isolate there:
“If a guest presents themselves with symptoms or Covid-19 or is asymptomatic but declares the need to self-isolate, they should be advised to check out and return home to self-isolate according to current government guidance. If the guest has acute symptoms, has breathing difficulties, or their life is at potential risk, seek medical help immediately.”
If you cannot return home for any reason, their circumstances should be discussed with a health care professional and, if necessary, the local authority. 
Guests cannot isolate at the property

Then if you are able to travel please return home (avoid all public transport) and arrange a test near to your home town.
Details If you need to seek medical attention during your stay are –
In case of emergence call 999
Accommodation Address – Troutsdale Farm, Springbank Wood, Blackshaw Moor, Near Leek, Staffordshire, ST13 8TJ
What three words location finder – conforms.chitchat.manliness (for Old Shire Stables Cottage) OR firmly.endlessly.asterisk (for The Old Cartshed Cottage)

Nearest small Hospital – Leek Moorlands Hospital, Ashbourne Road, Leek, Staffordshire, ST13 5BQ - Tel: 0300 123 1894
Main Hospital - Royal Stoke University Hospital, Newcastle Road, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 6QG. - Tel 01782 715444
Doctors – Moorland Medical Centre, Dyson House,Regent Street,Leek, Staffordshire ST13 6LU, Tel 01538 399008

All guests will immediately inform us and return home to self-isolate if, during their stay:
They exhibit symptoms of Covid-19 or
They test positive for Covid-19 or
They are informed that they have been in contact with a person who has tested positive for Covid-19 either informally or via the NHS Track and Trace system
In an exceptional circumstance and with our agreement only, guests who cannot immediately return home and stay in their cottage to self-isolate will be responsible for all normal charges and costs for the cottage and any loss of income incurred by us.

They must also comply with the following:
All guests must stay in their property and not visit any public spaces
Guests must use local food delivery services only and advise them of their condition.
All communications and checkout must be remote
There will be no property servicing or repairs unless in an emergency
Rubbish must be placed outside the front door at a prearranged time
There must be no outside visitors to the property other than medical personnel.
Guests must remotely contact us prior to checking out to provide an update on their condition.
If the fire alarm sounds, normal evacuation procedures must be followed, but the guest will isolate themselves from other guests at the car park assembly point.
We will not be liable for any costs or claims whatsoever arising from any of these actions.

All guests must inform us if, within 14 days of their return home:
They exhibit symptoms of Covid-19 or
They test positive for Covid-19 or
They are informed that they have been in contact with a person who has tested positive for Covid-19 either informally or via the NHS Track and Trace system

In the event that we have a confirmed or suspected case of Covid-19 in a cottage
then a special cleaning regime will be initiated after those guests leave.

To reduce the risk of any transmission to us and our family, and in guidance with industry standards:-

  • All bed linen (just duvets covers, bottom sheet and pillow cases) and towels must be bagged up in the dissolvable laundry bags provided and tied up (linen and towels separately please so these can be put straight into the correct wash in the laundry bags) and deposited by the front door in the hallway prior to departure. This is so that any washing can be put straight into the washing machine without us or staff handling it - so please do not overfill them. The same with the bath mats please - and put these in separate bags to any bed linen so can be appropriately washed.  Please do not strip any mattress and pillow protectors - we will do this part.
  • All kitchen tea towels and any additional hand towels please put in the disposable laundry bags (not all in the same one .... please do not overfill the bags, and tied up deposited outside the front door prior to departure.
  • ALL Food must be removed and disposed of and all waste bins emptied and left bagged and tied outside the front door prior to departure.
  • There will be no interim servicing of the accommodation
  • No maintenance will be undertaken within the property while guests are staying unless it is deemed by us as essential or an emergency.
  • Social distance of 2 meters is required on our family farm.
  • Your booking includes access to your property booked and garden area – please note access and freely walking around the farm, farm buildings, and open fields and is not permitted – (please enjoy the lovely views & keep to public footpaths (please use hand sanitiser before using footpath styles etc, particularly when going through our neighbours cottage yard as they in their 90s) - this is because it is very much a working environment, we are still self isolating due to family medical conditions and we need to be able to work freely in these areas without risk of virus infection – simply because - if we got ill, then there would be no one to look after the animals and we cannot afford to get into that position.
  • Please do not touch other gates/fences/stroke animals etc to reduce infection spread and the work we need to do to look after our animals.
  • When out visiting other attractions or shops etc - please regularly use hand sanitiser or wash hands - when returning back to the cottage please sanitise hands on re-entering the cottage.

During your stay please air the cottage regularly by opening the windows and on departure please leave some windows open.
All Children’s toys have been removed if your child would like a selection to play with please ask.
Books and DVD’s have been left in the cottage for your enjoyment, please can you leave out which books/DVD’s you have used so they can be cleaned before they are used by the next guests.
All spare pillows have been put in cases - if you have used any please leave these out so we know which they are and we can clean them
Extra blankets have had to be removed - if you would like some please just ask.
You will also find a fewer number of cushions than normal this is so they can be rotated with at least a 72hr rest between guests.
Again there is a reduced number of crockery, & glasses as everything has to be dishwasher washed or disinfected between bookings
All kitchen surfaces, door handles, light switches, keys, remote controls, and other high touch points and surfaces have been disinfected between guests but please still remember to wash hands regularly.
There is alot of stone, lime plaster, wool, brick, wood and marble surfaces in your cottage - it is important that we use the correct high standard disinfectant on these surfaces - we take this seriously and we do this for you - please do not use your own disinfectant which may not be up the the required standard or may indeed react with either the products we have used or affect surfaces and cause damage to them.
We do leave hand sanitiser and wipes available in the cottages for you.

We so wish we were not in this situation, we have always cleaned to a very high standard and will continue to do so, covid regulations or not. More than anything we really want you to enjoy your time at Troutsdale Farm, and not to worry, so please relax and enjoy your stay and the wonderful countryside views and of The Roaches.

Kindest regards

Barbara, Ray and family



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